Case Study DevMusical

Case Study DevMusical

This case study is written for DevMusical, a leading musical instruments supplier in India. They sell Guitars, keyboards, Harmonium, Tabla, Dholak, drums etc.

ABOUT DevMusical

DevMusical is top musical instruments supplier in India when it comes to buying guitars, keyboards, harmonium, drums and amplifier etc. We sell Casio, Yamaha, Korg, Swan, AKAI, Alice, Bina, Gibson etc. If you are an individual or a shop / store, you can order your product from DevMusical and get it delivered to you in quick time. We are trusted musical instruments supplier in India having long professional experience. Our products are delivered to customers in quick time and they get best customer support from our team.


The Company approached us because the owner searched us online and he was following our Digital Marketing Company from long time. Initially, we discussed their prime targeted musical instruments and in second meeting, they pain the amount that was discussed with him. The owner wanted to rank their website in Google top SERP and in initial four months we did it. Their competitors are also performing digital marketing for them, but due to our advanced strategies and innovative approach, the company is doing great.

Things that matters for our Digital Marketing –

  • URL formation
  • Image optimization
  • Content added in webpages
  • Logo
  • Responsiveness
  • AMP
  • Speed of the website
  • Blog over the website
  • W3c validation (HTML & CSS Errors)
  • Backlink quality
  • Content quality of articles, blogs etc.
  • Reviews on various platforms
  • Images and videos used in social media platforms. 

Platforms we use in Digital Marketing Promotion –

  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • com
  • Google My Business etc. 


The project reporting was set for 30 days, each 15 days, we send traffic and keywords ranking improvement and social media engagement as well.

The Results

Improved lead generation: Starting immediately after launch Sagar Agro reported extremely positive calls and leads. They said, from very first month, we have some quality leads. Many shop keepers and food suppliers contacted them for organic food delivery.

Brand Awareness – I realized that our brand is so promoted and well executed that many people in India are talking about it. Thanks Digital marketing team for branding DevMusical.

Increased site traffic: In the first six months of website launch, they reported that traffic is improved a lot and people are staying in the website for long time.

Improved user experience: The website design and architecture makes it easier for users to find information and inquire for more. Many users and clients appreciated their website design and we think this is the prize of a good website design. The website is easy to navigate.

What Client Said –

Thank you Sir. I would like to thank you SEO AIM POINT team for such a great work. Your SEO & digital marketing is superb. Your team faced the challenges during the SEO and branding is quite interestingly.  I’ve received nothing but positive reviews, brand awareness and many positive feedback from my clients. So you guys have done a spectacular job!  — Kunal Bhandari, Owner DevMusical.